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[SMTP:squeakywheel@excite.com] Sent: Friday, June 11, 1999 4:40 PM To: nos@nostradamus.net Subject: a few little additions to your masterpiece [Revised 7-6-99 as per KN's request] A few little comments—how could you not mention Murray’s deli (home of the bottomless chicken roll sandwich_ on your map list? Also, how about mentioning, esp. for those of us not in nyc, what fdr-ww has become—the Key West condos. I was shocked when i first saw it. Wonder what the tenants would think if they could’ve seen Rupert & Pringle Pigeon in action. ***I’m pretty sure that Chuck and Sherry spelled their last name "SALMAN". Raise your hand if you wanna hear about the fun-filled afternoon in ‘71 when [deleted various stories with adult content; if you're interested in reading about those adventures, please furnish proof of age and photo ID -- Ed.] ****Also, Michael Gelobter was friends with Anthony Papp, son of Joe Papp, who lived at 215 W. 98 St. Mainly, i remember him running around with a crucifix when he was about 9. I saw him on the news once because he had a jewelry store in Trump Tower. He died of AIDS. It was in the NYT. Sad. ***** About Robert Eugene B. (Bob): He was from Yonkers, Deven. I never heard anything about Queens (by the way, everybody, Roosevelt I. is not Queens!! Some people think it is—not you smarty-pantses, of course, but some average Joe idiots). Anyway, Bob had an older brother, Richard, who played drums, and 2 or 3 sisters. As far as i know, Catholics who commit suicide don’t get into Catholic cemetaries, so, unless his family lied, he’s prob. not in a C. cem. That doesn’t help much. Maybe his brother is still in Yonkers or Man. I’m too chicken to contact him. Does anyone know where Suzanne is buried? Would anyone like to hear the boring story of the trip i took to Fire Island in July ?, ‘69, with Bob & Suzanne? It’s pretty short: We were at her big (30-ish) brother’s beach house for 3 days, i think. We had the whole place to ourselves. One problem: no $$$$. We somehow forgot that although sea breezes and fun ‘n’ sun are all very nice, you still gotta eat. So, for 3 days, we lived on square dark bread and margarine and tea. Of course, we still had fun ‘cause we loved each other so much (mainly B & S, who squeezed in an awful lot of necking in that short time. Come on, Bob—you can take a joke!!! (Actually, i only remembver one make-out session—theirs—on the steps at the beach. We listened to the "Hair" record a lot (there wasn’t much else) and looked at books. Suzanne liked Sybil Leek’s "Diary of a Witch". I remember telling her i’d like to live out there full-time. I still have fantasies about this. Anyway, that was the last time i was on FI till about ‘96. ******* Nos—if you wanna see "Once Upon a Mattress", it’s tomorrow, Sun., and Mon.. These things sell out, so make a res. if you wanna go. Saw your Israeli page—here’s my little election joke: i saw the bbc coverage of it. They showed Barak making his victory speech, and the translation was "Citizens of both sexes...". I knew the hermaphrodite vote was gonna put him over the top!!!! One more joke (only regional food hobbyists will get this one): once eaten at a restaurant in Binghamton. I guess he likes spiedies as much as he likes quickies!!! Ha ha. (For those of you who don’t get it, spiedies (pronounced "speedies") are an Italian meat thing that’s popular in Binghamton. The end. ********** Hey, who wants to hear about the night (6-10-72) [adult content deleted, but the name of Pete Hamill was involved] (61 PPW—i got a song out of it—"Ace of Spades"—oh, yeah—Pete gave me a token, too—what a guy!!) and/or my correspondence w. N. Mailer (yeah, that one)?? It/s only appropriate i’m writing this at the library!! ****Update on my kids: Alice, now a beautiful, hippie-ish 24-yr.-old, is in Eugene, OR, supposedly taking pre-nursing school classes, so she can become a nurse-midwife. Gotta go.—x k
Deven responds:
Yonkers. Queens. It is all "out of town."