The Old Gang
KN: Warehouseperson. Friend of Bruce? Went to CCNY. |
KN: The first time I saw Bob, he was necking with her. |
KN: Guess their names and win a PRIZE!! | |
NOS: Anybody got a copy of the old warehouse quiz? | |
KN 9-19-2016: Pringke was named for Pringle potato chips. |
MM: Gosh! http://www.cnn.com/ALLPOLITICS/1998/03/31/abzug/index.html | |
DB: What?!? You didnt get my e-mail (cc: Nos, the Pope, President Clinton) in which I nominated Bella for an obit on our web page, sainthood, and a gravesite in Arlington? | |
[Hyperlink revised by Nos 6-7-02] |
KN: Sp? Warehouseperson. Son of Sci-Fi writer (same name I think). He lived in the Hotel Cromwell when we knew him; attended some of Noss legendary Glen Ridge parties. Canadian? |
MM: Do I have the name and spelling right? If so, there are two listings in Texas. | |
NOS: Martin, can you fill in some details about Rolf? | |
Deven 12/6/99:
Whilst doing a search for something totally unrelated I happened upon (TRANSLATION: the $%^#%^&$^&*% search engine gave me crap results again!) the alumni list for the 1969 class of the Bronx High School of Science. There in the first row of names was one Rolfe J. Auerbach, whose e-mail address is divinemind@earthlink.net. Since I was there anyway I searched a couple of more classes. Most of my Junior High School class was listed in 1970 -- with the notable exception of yours truly who ought to have been there barring a few unfortunate incidents, many of which led to meeting you guys—and in the listing for the class of ‘71 I found Pam Charney. By the way, it figures that with some of the greatest minds of the latter 20th century having graduated from the school, including without doubt no small number of computer scientists, Bronx Science would have perhaps the slowest web site I have ever encountered, loading its 30K per page at the staggering rate of 198 bits per second. As it was taking some half-hour for each page to load, and I still had to write a business plan, I did not send an e-mail to Rolfe J. Auerbach, he of the divine mind. You may wish to do so.
| |
From Rolfe 12/9/99:
Dear Nos, My Good Lord in Heaven...this is positively amazing. You have outdone yourself. My memories pale next to this site. Devon contacted me yesterday, and I haven’t had time to go down memory lane sufficiently to read all this stuff, but it’s great to be back, if only for a visit. Yes, I am the same Rolfe Auerbach. I do remember the happenings at the Seagrams Building, and many other happenings as well. OK, I’m an Executive Producer living in Los Angeles (Marina Del Rey). You can check out one of my shows at www.vitamincie.com [4/5/04 domain has been abandoned -- Nos]. or in NY on WNYW Fox TV 5. I’m happily married (on my fourth wife-Cie) with one 23 year old son, (Jason). [Nos 3-28-2007: IMDB shows that Jason has been busy producing commercials and doing other film work.] Saw Dick Morris a couple of years ago, and Simon Barsky, too. Both are well and happy. Dick’s whereabouts are obvious. Simon is an attorney in Washington DC. Have talked, periodically over the years, with Nadler and Gottfried. If someone can find Richard (Gabriel Van Greensby III) Morgan, I’d be greatful. Love to talk with him again. Brother Keith is not dead - is a schoolteacher in Brooklyn. He’s married with several step children. I’ll tell him about this site. Send Richard Power my best. Nos, let me know what kind of advertising you’re really doing. It’s a shame to waste good contacts. All the best to everyone else.
Click here to see correspondence between Rolfe and Deven. |
KN: Rolfs brother. Didnt Keith die? Warehouseperson. | |
NOS: I associate him with the Samuels campaign. Martin should fill us in here. | |
12/9/99: See his brother's note, above. | |
Message from Keith's brother Rolfe 12/16/2005: |
Just wanted to let you know for posting purposes. My brother, Keith, died on 11/21/05. I know that he truly enjoyed our time together -- now years and years ago.
NOS: Friend of mine. Used to work at BMI, Oak Publications. Ran into her in the city a few years ago. I have this vague idea that she may be in Florida. |
Submitted by KN. FDR-WW. | |
NOS: Variously associated with the West Side Young Turks. Which somebody should write up. Last I heard, Sheila was a lawyer. | |
See Deven's notes | |
Nos 7-29-2007: I run in to them every few years. Most recently was at a Bar Mitzvah a few months ago at the Society for the Advancement of Judaism. |
See Deven's notes | |
5/28/01 Bonnie Lobel says that Fran died recently. | |
5/28/01 [Rev 4/21/02] Nos: I'm guessing that Al is Alfred Bennick, Ph.D., an Emeritus Professor at Hunter College: |
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Hunter College of the City University of New YorkPh.D., Columbia University
Astrophysics[From http://atlas.ph.hunter.cuny.edu/faculty/bennick/ ]
5/28/01 Nos: Fran and Al lived in Forest Hills. | |
Here is an Al Bennick test that shows the breadth of his thinking. [From http://athena.ph.hunter.cuny.edu/Foundations/questions%20astro.htm -- link now broken] |
NOS 8-3-02: Bobby wasn't part of the "Old Gang," but she's a friend and she worked for Gene on the West Side, so I've added her. Read her reminiscences here. |
NOS: One of the original editors of the New York Independent Advocate (like George without the glitz), the late lamented hard-hitting political newsletter and gossip sheet of NYC politics. On-air talent on "The Politics People" TV show (like "Politically Incorrect" without the glitz). Currently manager of the North Star restaurant and educational expert. The only member of the Advocate troika who doesn't depend upon the rich and powerful for a living and can thus publicly express his opinions without fear. Married, father of one. | |
Email: Date: Sun, 22 Mar 1998 17:04:39 -0500 From: Deven Black DevenBlack@compuserve.com Subject: Precocious, weren't we? |
I recently had to submit ideas for courses I might want to teach in upcoming semesters. Among the ideas I submitted was this one:
RE-INVENTING GOVERNMENTThe revolution has come and a new government must be established. In this series of seminars we will explore what civil rights we wish to establish, and what form of government will, considering the recent unrest, assure those rights to the populace? 4 Credits, Advanced
You may remember that back in the NYIA days we would, from time-to-time, explore these very questions. You might be interested to know that I was told by this certain college, which will not be identified, that while this would make an excellent course for a graduate political science degree it would be too demanding for undergrads.
When I responded that whilst still in high school I used to take part in independent explorations of this very set of questions with two collage age friends, it was explained to me I am weird, and that activities like that are the prime reason I am the only adjunct professor in the college who is not already in possession of a masters degree and enrolled in a doctoral program.
I just want to thank you both for making this second career of mine possible.
Another email from Deven: |
As you may recall, the result of our discussions was the determination that in order to assure any level of what we would call civil rights, the new government would initially have to be a benevolent dictatorship. In many ways, despite pretensions to a consensus form of decision making, our wing of the college is run like a benevolent dictatorship. Of course, in their case it is 25 years after the revolution. Perhaps we thought the transition to democracy could happen too quickly.
Email from Martin: |
As I really am interested in this tale of academic censorship and mediocrity, Id love to know how close your retelling of the event was to the colleges actual response. Lets bomb the f***ers.
Email from Nos: |
[Commenting on the low expectations of college administrators:] Heck, I remember discussing the nature of reality with Sarah Mosbacher when she was five.
Email from Deven: |
Judging from my experience with Jonas, it is children who have the best grip on the idea that reality is a process of constant re-invention, and that what most of us adults call reality is really just a mutual agreement aimed at saving time.
8/2/99 Here are some links about Deven: "Bill Stephens -- Career Highlights" (tcapsule.com/Bill_Stephens/Bio/bio.html) [4-5-04 link broken -- Nos], Celebrator Apr/May '97: "Doing the Lord's Work, One Pint at a Time" [link broken 1-3-06 http://celebrator.com/9704/Stewart-FatherMack.html]. | |
2/28/2000 Deven sent in his latest research notes. | |
9-26-06: Deven is a Special Ed teacher now. His son, Jonas, is BIG. His email is deven.black#gmail.com (replace the # with an @). He says, "Other things might also have happened but nothing jumps to my consciousness right now." | |
4/8/2013: Deven is now a school librarian and blogger. | |
1-29-2016 Deven was tragically murdered two days ago at a Bronx homeless shelter. Nos and Deven met during the McCarthy campaign of 1968. A few years later, we were both living in the Hotel Paris, where we would often play Russian Bank. Deven was smart, articulate and funny. He was one of the editors of the New York Independent Advocate, a polittical newsletter, and freelanced writing advertising copy at Nostradamus Advertising. He went on to work as a bartender, restaurant manager and restaurant owner. Later, he became a teacher in the New York City publuic schools, followed by a stint as a school librarian. He excelled at both. He made many friends among school librarians, mentored several, and blogged extensively about education issues. For reasons that I cannot fathom, he was roped in by various scammers which led to his being arrested and, ultimately, fired from his job. His downward spiral ended at the Boulevard Homeless Shelter in East Harlem, where he was stabbed three days after his arrival. To those of us who knew him for nearly a half century, he wasn't some homeless guy, he was a cherished friend and respected colleague. Vicki Free Presser found this on Facebook, written by Deven's son, Jonas: As some of you may have heard, my father, Deven Black, was killed last night at the homeless shelter where he was staying. Although he had struggled with mental illness for many years, he was unable to get the treatment he needed, and he fell through the cracks of a severely broken system. |
Many, many newspaper articles about Deven. Here's one: Ex-teacher viciously murdered in Manhattan homeless shelter remembered as brilliant, generous |
2/2/2016, from a friend of Deven's: I never went to singles bars, except for one Saturday night in June, 1979 when I had nothing to do and I knew my friend Deven was bartending at a bar called Shelter, which was on the Upper West Side. I felt safe going to that bar that night knowing Deven was there. I figured I’d just go there, have a beer, chat with Deven and, most likely, go home alone. But then a man walked into the bar and sat down on the stool next to mine. I remember for safety, making sure Deven got a good look at this stranger when I left with him. I would never have met this man, who I wound up marrying, and my daughter would not exist today if Deven hadn’t been tending that bar that night. |
2/2/2016 from Stephanie Digby: I remember Deven as this incredibly bright, funny person. We shared a love of the Goon Show (UK radio comedy): he would do superb imitations during the FDR-WW meeting that made them quite tolerable, even pleasurable. Miscellaneous memories: His constant pleasure in owning multiple records of “Pictures At An Exhibition”. Deven and Nos in their (sorry) appalling heavy metal band. Doing his weather reporting by looking out of the window. Deciding he would do talk radio, and doing so. He was one of those people who would decide to do something, and succeed. The Daily News had a front page article about Deven’s being the youngest congressional campaign manager at 16, when he managed John Foster Dulles nephew’s campaign. We lost contact for years. We had tea in Saint Paul several years ago. One of those friendships that resumes so comfortably. I grieve for the death of a marvelous mind by murder and by dementia. The cure starts with the need research funds and how NIH distributes them. |
12-28-2017: Iris Korman found a great article about Deven and frontotemporal dementia (FTD) in the December 2017/January 2018 issue of AARP Magazine: "The Unraveling of Deven Black: A Medical Mystery." | Also note that many have speculated that Donald Trump suffers from FTD.
Deven's brother Graham wrote on Mar 19, 2007: Bret [Deven's other brother] forwarded this to me, as we have mutual reminiscences of those times. This is my second time through your site -- Deven or Bret tipped me off to it some years ago. I am amazed at how many names are familiar, and some conjure up a complete memory of a person. Though I was not a member of your subversive group, Bret and I still giggle about yelling crude, stupid, juvenile comments up the stairs [of the FDR-Woodrow Wilson Democratic Club, upstairs at 107-109 West 96th Street]. So I feel a part in it all. We must not have had anything more fun to do. I think at some point later on, Bret and I were recruited by Deven to hand out bumper stickers and other campaign paraphernalia possibly for Weeden; the headquarters was on 72nd street I think, almost above a pizza place. Maybe it was McCarthy. I didn’t have any idea what they stood for; I just liked the way the new bumper stickers smelled. I think it funny that today I would much more likely support Joe McCarthy, then Eugene. It is nice that many of you have remained friends. Your site is enjoyable to read and surprising in that it can make what I generally regard as a miserable time, cozy. |
Submitted by KN. FDR-WW. | |
NOS: Are we gonna list everybody at the FDR-WW Club who I had a run-in with? |
Submitted by KN. FDR-WW. | |
See Deven's notes | |
Nos found this on the web 2-21-2011: Around 1969, he was a Democratic State Committeeman and Sponsor of the GI Civil Liberties Defense Committee. |
MM: Quite assuredly no longer with us. | |
KN: Dropped out of Fordham Prep. Deven, where is Bob buried? | |
NOS: I once asked Bob what the proper name was for that Hammill/Breslin writing style that sounds like " . . . headlights cutting through the fog like a laser through butter . . ." Bob answered "rabbit turd." | |
12/1/98 NOS: Kathie recently asked me if I knew where Bob is buried. I didn't, so I asked around: 1) Deven answered, "I have no idea where Bob is buried. If I remember correctly his family was from Queens, so perhaps he is buried there. I realize that this does not narrow the search much, but that is the best I could do." 2) Larry Curran, Director of Alumni Relations at Fordham Prep answered, "Im sorry but we do not have any information on students who would have dropped out of Fordham Prep." 3) Peter D. Buckley (who I found on the Web) was unable to identify Bob as part of his Family Tree. | |
7/14/99 email from Kathie: Born 7-5-52 (happy birthday!)-- dropped out of 11 gr. (?) , Fordham Prep—i think he had 3 sisters—his father was a lawyer for the Port Authority | |
7/14/99 email from Kathie: I think BB might have been in the class of ‘70 and he died in ‘71 (Aug., i think). Hey, Bob!! I’m sending you the opening drum riff from "Honky Tonk Women" (we listened to just that part over and over when we went w. SM to visit Morgan in Springfield, MA)!!! |
NOS: One of the warehouse volunteers. Must have been about 16 years old back in 1968. | |
Deven 8/9/99: I think that Joan attended SUNY-New Paltz. I have no idea if she graduated. | |
Letter from Anne Metaxas 1/25/03: Thanks for your quick answer. I'm
attaching the picture of us. Don't remember exactly when it was from.
Probably around 1968 at a peace march in NYC. We were about 16-17 at the
time.Joan's father was a photographer for the NY Times (if I remember
correctly - or some other NYC paper). We bumped into him on the street and
he took this one. I'm to Joan's right, and my friend Phil Crocetto is to my
right. (So, Phil is # 1, I'm #2, Joan #3 from left to right in the photo).
Great picture for our family album. Joan and I were active friends only the 3 years I lived in New Hyde Park on Long Island while we were in 7-9th grades. After that we only kept in touch via mail and to go on peace marches. We were too young to do otherwise but I still have fond memories of her. What was/is the Warehouse? | |
1/25/03 Anne sent this picture. Click for full-size version. | |
10-28-03 NOS: Deven was right about SUNY New Paltz -- Joan is listed as a "lost" alumna there. http://www.newpaltz.edu/alumni/lost_alpha.cfm?letter=C | |
From Joan's emails of 9/26/06 and 9/27/06: |
I just found the old gang website. Wow, Nos! I'm amazed that you kept track of all these people. Hope all is well with you.
You were right, I did go to New Paltz and then I was just outside of Boston for about 25 years -- worked at WGBH most of that time. I took a hiatus when the kids were small, and did a short stint with UNICEF as well. We moved to California three years ago -- San Jose, which is meteorologically blessed although intellectually and artistically vacant. What are ya gonna do? I married an engineer. We have two sons. One is at UC Berkeley doing a doctorate and the other is at Pitzer College in So Cal. I am taking a couple of classes, trying to decide what I want to be when I grow up (a stage I may skip altogether).
It's great that you stayed in touch with all these people and continue to maintain the site. That summer was one of the best of my life. Do you remember a guy named Kurt? I think it was Kurt. He shaved his head and he would send the volunteers to various locations in the city to hand out flyers and buttons. There was also a George Migliorelli (?) that summer. That's about it for now. Tell Deven I send my best. Happy New Year to you and yours. Stay well. I will be in touch.
From Deven, 9/17/99: Guys, and I use the term with no pejorative meaning
Just looking over the Advocate site and was hit by a name that I had not thought of in some time, to wit, Pam Charney. This note is to start the chain of the "I wonder whatever happened to ...." series of reminisces that occasionally produce a hit, such as the recent appearance of that Loggia lass on a Polish web page. I recall going to a birthday party in Chinatown with Pam. All the Chinese guys wanted to dance with the round-eye chick (aka :Pam). Either she or her younger brother went to school in Iowa, Grinnell I think. Pam wanted to be a doctor. Her mother was an artist. I think it was the brother, who may or may not have been friends with one of my brothers (Bret) who went to Grinnell. Not Bret. He went to SUNY Binghamton, then Princeton for a masters. I think Pam’s brother, who went to Grinnell, may have been named Peter. Pam had great teeth. And she was very smart. Pretty cute, too. |
Nos 9/21/99 We've had some correspondence over the last few days with
someone named Pam Charney. Seems like it might be OUR Pam Charney. Details
to follow -- if she'll let us post them. | |
Bret Black (Deven's brother) wrote 3/19/07: "Pam Charney went to Grinnel. Her brother Scott was my high school friend who also went to Binghamton. He's moved up in the world and was Microsoft Director of Digital Security last I heard [Nos: He's now a VP at Microsoft]. I didn't recall that you guys knew her." | |
Nos 7/12/2007: Here's her CV. |
MM: Because he seems to go to every party he is invited to. |
NOS: Husband of Varya DuCormier. Div. Died of AIDS. |
DB: Friend of R. Power's. From Riverdale. Father is/was an architect. |
From an email to Deven 7-4-98: |
Good god! I was meandering through the web, checking on old politics.
Saw Nos name, checked his home page and so obviously had to say hello. Still have my McCarthy buttons, although when he endorsed Reagan I wondered why I had worked on his campaign. Now live in McCarthy/Humphrey/Mondale country.
I heard, several years ago, that you now own a restaurant.
Say hello to Marty and Nos too.
Stephanie Digby
From an email to Nos 7-5-98 [edited as per SD]: |
It was an absolute delight to run across the web page and read about so many of the people I knew in my NY days. Brought back many happy memories.
I note that you ask if you are going to list every person with whom you had a run in---Stan Green? That was fairly entertaining and resulted in a very important lesson for me: "its not what you say, its how you say it". Nadler began telling people what happened, and, of course, embellished. I tried to correct him. Guess who people believed.
Saw Martha Spiegelman at Smith about 4 years ago. Had a long telephone conversation with Irwin. I rather miss him. Minnesotans (moved here 6 years ago) tends to have very quiet hysterics at verbal outbursts.
I discovered fungi were delightful, fascinating creatures. And I dont expect any comprehension. Vicki Frees (and everyone elses) response was "thats very nice dear, now lets talk about something interesting" - or words to that effect. Still am a botanist/mycologist, but not academicits a world where people never left the terrible twos.
Stephanie Digby
From an email to Deven 7/8/98 [edited as per SD]: |
It's good to know you are alive and well and about to own your own pub. I think it was in 1993 that Vicki (ex) Free told me that you owned your own restaurant. Glad it is finally happening.
Did not study cacti. Discovered fungi second semester and stayed with them. Also loved algae, but the phycologists were insane even for academics. Fungi made sense to me and no one else in the class, plus the two mycology professors provided great encouragement.
Still get involved in politics. However, we were the best grass roots organizers I have ever come acrossbut of course I could be remembering the organization through rose tinted glasses (hows that for a mixed metaphor?)
Email to Nos from SD 7-28-98: . . . McCarthy just got a major award at St. John’s University, where he was an undergrad so many years ago. It was all over the local newspaper. Thanks for Vicki’s e-mail address. | |
10-28-03 NOS: Stephanie is active with Minnesotans Against Terrorism, which "promotes fair, accurate media coverage of terrorism against Israelis and Americans": http://www.minnesotansagainstterrorism.org/nprsupport.htm | |
Alan Flacks 8-16-2015, which I think he got directly from SD: "First FDR-WW and the West Side Free, additionally for Gottfried campaigns a lot of time at Community Free. Only at Riverside a couple of times - can't recall why." |
NOS: Friend of Nos. Roommate of Martin. Corporate chef. Married to Paul Cormier (q.v.) . Div. Presently married to James Farber, recording engineer. Living on the West Side. |
MM: Who cares if neither of you two ever met her! | |
See Deven's notes | |
7/6/2000 rec'd the following email from Martha Dudman: |
I’m the same one who was 16 in 1968 and worked for the McCarthy Campaign in Washington, New Hampshire, Milwaukee, New York City. Was on the NAB. Sold the radio stations last year. I am the president of Bangor Rotary. Times change.
NOS: Former NYC police officer. Lived in California for many years. Deven says he's now in Massachusetts. Have not be able to contact him by email. | |
DB: Lives in Massachusetts. Married to Jennie. They have a son, Sam, who is four. DB is in contact via e-mail. | |
MM. Been in touch. Has contacted Power regarding our quest. |
NOS: Ray Tekosky says he'd like to locate Tedda and wonders what happened to Dave. I remember the names, but have no idea who they were. | |
From Deven 8/9/99: I’m not sure why these two names are
linked. I don’t recall much about Tedda, but Dave was a Robert
Kennedy campaigner who switched to Weeden for Congress after RFK was assassinated. Among other things he had one of the station wagons (Alex
Rose had another) that transported the crews (occasionally including some of us) who sniped (an archaic term meaning "vertically
littered") the district with those colorful Weeden (actually W E E D E N for Congress ) posters and lightpole stickers. I understand that he remained active in various campaigns in later years. |
NOS: Brother of Patrick, Kevin and Moira. Lived in the neighborhood. President of FDR-WW Democratic Club. Died of cancer in the mid-70's. |
NOS: Now Vicki Presser. She had been active in CFD, where she was friends with Nadler, Gottfried, etc., starting around the time of the McGovern campaign. She's the daughter of the late jazz pianist Stan Free. I ran into her at United Synagogue around the time that Jill was working there. She's a crackerjack PR person, and we worked together on a number of my accounts, including the CCAR and the UTJ. Married, mother of two. | |
NOS 4-4-01: I had a lovely lunch yesterday with Vicki, Stephanie Digby and Myron Bassman. |
KN: Warehouseperson. Some people thought we were sisters due to physical resemblance (she was the one who really looked like Janis). Her father, Bill Gammie, once wrote for the "Dick Van Dyke Show." The last time I saw her (72 or 74), she was working at the Public Theater. Big shout-out to Sue!! | |
KN 11-4-03: i was watching "The View" today and she was on! She's the costume designer for "One Life to Live". Now you know! Happy early Thanksgiving! -- kathie :) [NOS: Try Googling on /"one life to live" Susan Gammie/] |
NOS: Ludwig was a stockbroker, politico, and all-around operator. Ran into him a few years ago walking down Broadway talking into a cell phone (before everybody had one!). Barbara Lamont Gelobter was District Leader. I think her campaign was the very first one I did design for. Ludwig invented the "What is a Gelobter?" sticker. Presently living in Baton Rouge, where Barbara is in broadcasting. I think son Michael is in New York. Doug Gordun would know more details. | |
KN: Michael was a chef c. 1980. | |
Franne 3/12/2000: Did you happen to see the Times the other day when Michael Gelobter, now a professor, was on the front page in a discussion of racial identity? | |
From Barbara Lamont 3/16/01 Subject: gelobter news > Hi! Heard about your web site from my daughter-in-law. Great to hear from > everybody again. I'm in New Orleans, not Baton Rouge, running a Teleport > (telecommunications satellite hub). Ludwig and I had dinner with Martha > Sickles a few years ago in Sopot (Poland). We just celebrated 41 years of > marriage. All 3 kids now living in New York, we have 2 lovely > granddaughters and I spend 18 hour workdays. When I'm not working I'm > jetting around the country to meet Ludwig who lives on airplanes (mostly in > Eastern Europe and Asia) and publishes magazines in his spare time. I miss > the good old days when life seemed a lot less complicated. Love to everyone. | |
NOS 3-16-01: There was an amazing article about Barbara http://old.inc.com/incmagazine/archives/01900701.html. Some info about Michael is here and here. | |
NOS 6-7-02 Here's Ludwig's website: www.bucurestiwww.ro |
NOS: One of the Hunter High girls. I can probably locate her. Nurse practitioner. Divorced. Iris Korman and Beth were very close as kids. | |
NOS 11-4-03: She's Assistant Clinical Professor of Nursing at Yale School of Nursing. |
NOS: Major politico in the old days. For many years has been a NYS Assemblyman, well-regarded. No longer the youngest member of the Assembly! I was copping his political design licks for years. | |
MM: Isn't he still in the Assembly? | |
NOS: But no longer the youngest member. |
NOS: Married with one or two kids. I'll dig up her address. |
KN: Warehouseperson. The original model for Woody Allen. | |
NOS: Him I remember. But warehouse? |
DB: Chairman of Pre-pubescents for McCarthy. Has probably grown up to father IV. | |
NOS 1-25-05: There is a "Fin Hunt" credited on drums on the "Great New York Singles" compilation CD. Fin Hunt is also credited as assistant engineer on the 2001 release of John and Yoko's "Milk and Honey" CD. Could this be him? |
NOS: Head of NY McCarthy campaign with Sarah Kovner (q.v.). I thought of him as a big macher. Turns out that he was a big macher. Narcoleptic. |
DB: You mean Bonnie Lobel? |
(see Hartwell) |
KN: Saw him at Franne's house 4/96. Looks prosperous. | |
NOS: I bump into him on the street from time to time. He's a proofreader for a law firm. | |
Email from Bruce 8/22/01: |
Hey guys, I just got this computer recently and got hooked up to the web. I also discovered a great search engine called www.google.com. I decided to search for my name and came up with this site. Nice to see my writing and photojournalism immortalized in this way! Yes, I'm still at that farkakteh law firm. For fun, though, I'm very active in the Amateur Astronomers Ass'n of NY (www.aaa.org). I run their Observers Group and help run public observing sessions at Carl Schurz Park (see site for schedule). I also do volunteer work as an Earth and Space Explainer at the Rose Center for Earth and Space ("the Planetarium" to you). Haven't been involved in anything political since the end of the Central American wars (VERY involved in that back in the 80's). These days it's what you might call spreading "Cosmic Consciousness"--the REAL thing--real consciousness of the real cosmos, that is. Still live in the same place with the same phone number. I've continued to keep in touch with Franne. Bruce
[Nos told Bruce that Deven works near where Bruce lives:]
No shit!! At Coogan's?? Yikes, indeed! For how long? I haven't been in there in a few months I guess. But I walk past it every day. What days/nights/hours does he work? I'll have to pop in and say "Hello." As long as it's not karaoke night. Has he changed much? Maybe I've seen him and not recognized him. A more or less current photo of myself is attached. [Nos asked for permission to post Bruce's email:]Sure. Post, circulate, whatever. That's the idea. Maybe some of you guys will show up at Carl Schurz or at one of my meetings or something. That would be fun. Caveat: Astro observing events only happen in reasonably clear weather. That's less than half the time here in NY. So check the sky before showing up.
DB: My age. Very short. Very long hair. Big blue eyes. Lived on E. 69th St. I wonder if we can find Amy Kaplan through Tracey? | |
Deven Black writes, Sunday, July 04, 1999 12:20 PM: Since I was bored I did a search for Amy Kaplan. There is an Amy Kaplan who has written a couple of books of literary commentary, one published by U. of Chicago, the other by Duke. Could this be our girl? | |
See Deven's notes |
NOS: One of the Hunter High girls. I married her. She's a lawyer with NY State. We have
a son, Jacob. KN 9-19-2016: Don't forget The Korman Dilemma. |
MM: Nost has address | |
NOS: There's no "t" in "Nos." And, yes, I have Franne's address. She's a public school teacher in East Harlem. Her husband Steve owns a recording studio. Franne is wondering if Danny Elfman, the musician who went to Mannes, is the son of Steve Elfman who had been very active at the FDR-WW Democrtic Club. Anyone know? | |
NOS: She's currently (8/99) in a band: Three Card Monte. | |
Bronx Science, class of 1968. | |
From Franne 12/14/2000: Here's what's up with me. I'm a Reading Specialist this year and I LOVE it. I work one to one with kids who are struggling. To help my screenwriting, I took FILM 101 this fall, a Freshman course at Hunter which I succeeded in turning into a masters-plus level course (unofficially), with encouragement from Tim, my instructor, who is such a nice guy. It was kind of cool because when he found out I'm a teacher he asked me for teaching tips, so there I was, instructing my instructor. | |
From Franne 5/23/01: Some artwork of mine will be exhibited in ART IN THE GARDEN, an artshow that will be held in Inwood on June 10th. | |
NOS 8/25/01: Saw Franne at shul today. And found this on the web: FRANNE studied art at Cornell University's School of Art and Architecture. When she is not doing art, she teaches young children, illustrates children's books, writes screenplays, and plays the drums. She recently participated in the "Art in the Garden" program of the Riverside-Inwood Neighborhood Garden. [Revised 4-5-04] |
NOS: Co-head of NYS McCarthy campaign. I had a drunken fight with her (I was drunk, she was sober. It was a yelling match, not a fistfight.). Saw Sarah and Victor a couple times on the High Holy Days at Stephen Wise Free Synagogue. | |
Email from Sarah's niece: |
On Tue, 17 Mar 1998, Rebecca Schoenkopf wrote:
> Hi, all. Found your site while checking on my aunt, Sarah Kovner. Shes now Donna Shalalas right hand over at Health & Human Services. Both her bedlington terriers are now deceased. Uncle Victors doing lots & lots of 1st Amendment work for the Voice, RS, Penthouse (Gennifer Flowers devoted a chapter to him) and others.
> Looks like you guys are having fun!
Email from Deven: |
Now I know why I dislike Bedlingtons. I always thought it was because they were viscious dogs in sheeps clothing.
Rebecca Schoenkopf wrote: |
Sure we do [have a web page] ! Were at www.ocweekly.com. (but the site doesnt usually carry my articles). OC Weekly is a Village Voice paper out in Orange County, CA. Its a fun place to work for a commie rag. Im the art critic here, and this weekend i went up to Santa Barbara for an Eagle Forum conference. It was pretty darn interesting. Those Eagle Forum ladies can be pretty kooky.
NOS: Husband of Sarah. Former Corporation Counsel, NYC. | |
6/2/00: Nos found the following in a list of guests to a White House
banquet for Israeli Prime Minister Barak:
"Victor Kovner, board member, Americans for Peace Now, and Sarah Kovner, special assistant to the secretary of health and human services" (http://forward.com/BACK/1999/99.07.23/list.html) |
MM: Don't forget to list Joshua Leinsdorf. | |
NOS: Who the heck is Joshua Leinsdorf? | |
MM: I forgot. You probably never met him. Josh Leinsdorf was on national staff and I met him in Chicago (actually I think I met him first in New York just prior to the New York primary. He also was dating one of McCarthy's daughters. | |
NOS: These days, he's a Psephologist. Josh's web site. | |
DB: "Psephologist" ? | |
MM: For those who care: psephology (sê-fòl´e-jê) noun. The study of political elections. [Greek psêphos, pebble, ballot (from the ancient Greeks' use of pebbles for voting) + -logy.] | |
NOS [4/98]: Joe Friendly (famous in West Side radical circles) mentioned Josh's name to me recently. [revised 4-5-04] | |
NOS [12-31-05] Josh ran for Princeton Borough Common Council. Came in last. See http://www.mercercounty.org/_private/pdf/Election%20Result.htm |
NOS: One of the Hunter High girls. |
KN: Original warehouse volunteer. Shaved his head after he got into . . . Buddhism? Yoga? Hare Krishna? | |
NOS: Kurt ran the warehouse after Steve Robertson and before me. I think it was Hare Krishna that he joined. He was also into eating yeast, which caused him to [whoops! Gotta delete this . . . we've found Kurt!]. | |
8/6/99 NOS: Kurt's been found. Details at 11. |
Nos 9/24/99: I think she came up in some correspondence among the members of the Steering Committee. But this is the first that she has been added to the LIST. Alan Flacks mentioned today that he is trying to track her down. | |
12/13/99 Alan Flacks has found Bonnie. She's alive and well in Brookline MA. Her son, Nicholas, is Associate Company Manager with the Scarlet Pimpernel. (Info current as of about 10/99) | |
Email from Bonnie 5/21/01: was sarah's assistant, not harold's, worked full time at 787 on 17th cd delegates campaign with charlie kinsolving (we're still in touch), coordinated issues forums. exec director of ndc. worked with bella for many years. son (nicholas) is 28, a theatrical company manager, he's moving back to ny july. in '73. i moved to woodstock ny in '78. ran for office, became woodstock's first Democratic town clerk/tax collector since 1946. was carl mccall's scheduler in albany (comptroller). am living in acton mass teaching computer repair at clark university computer career institute. (i just realized this is probably way too much information.) alan flaks and i keep in touch. your website was fun. | |
Further correspondence with Bonnie. | |
2-10-02: Bonnie says we can list her current contact information: Bonnie Lobel, 4 Proctor Street, Acton MA 01720. 978-263-2063. Nos has her email address. |
DB: Amy Kaplan's best friend. Daughter of Robert Loggia, the actor. | |
NOS 7-2-99: Found this on the web: http://stud-ics.p.lodz.pl/stud/mszeliga/Sheryl/globe.htm [6-7-02 link broken --Nos] | |
Martin commented 7-3-99: In Polish no less. Thanks. Nothing like getting updates on old flames. Do you think that anyone in Lodz will know how to get in touch with her? | |
7-4-99 Deven responded: Hmmmm. A Sheryl Crow page in Polish. Man, this international culture thing is the pits. I’m sure they’ll know how to get in touch with her. The question is will they understand English. If not, I know several people who could translate. Have you searched for Amy Kaplan? | |
Later on 7-4-99, Deven found another page that refers to Tracy: http://www.angelfire.com/on/ibyho/Loggia.html [6-7-02 link broken --Nos] | |
Robert Loggia page [Nos 12-28-05] |
MM: Amongst the dearly departed. | |
NOS: Everyone liked Suzanne. If our child had been a girl, we would have named her after Suzanne. | |
Email from Kathie 7-14-99: born early May. ‘54 --- had a much older brother, Ron (pretty sure about name) -- maybe was late 20s-30ish in ‘69 (i once saw a credit on nbc news for someone w. his name—she said he was a writer, so it might’ve been him) [see 1/1/2001 -- Nos]-- lived on E. 10 or 11 St. & Third Ave. (i went to her house once) -- was half Polish—went to one of those Catskill Polish summer places w. parents (she hated it) -- i thought she was Catholic --- don’t remember a sister, but i could be wrong --- Hunter HS ------ wanted to be an oceanographer & once hung out at a hotel w. Mick & the guys (they burned incense) (How could they resist? She had that Yardley girl look we all loved!!!) | |
NOS: I thought that they were Ukrainian Orthodox. And I'm pretty sure about the sister. | |
7-20-99 NOS: Suzanne was in the same class at Hunter College High School as Iris -- the class of '71. She died in '72, during her freshman year at college (Iris remembers the college as being on Long Island). Iris also remembers the family as being Polish and belonging to the Eastern Orthodox church. Iris was at Suzanne's funeral, which was held in a church near the family's home in the East Village, but she isn't sure of who else was at the funeral. [Nos says: It would be nice if we could find out where Suzanne is buried. Further research should probably focus on HCHS classmates.] [Nos 4/2013: Polish churches in the neighborhood would be Church of St. Stanislaus Bishop & Martyr (101 E 7th Street nr 1st Av) or possibly St. Brigid’s (123 Avenue B and East Seventh Street). Other possibilities include the Eastern Orthodox church, All Saints Ukrainian Orthodox Church of NYC at 206 East 11th Street nr 3rd Av, or Holy Trinity Ukrainian Church on Broome St. (359 Broome St nr Elizabeth; Iris says this is the least likely of the four).] | |
1/1/2001 Nos: There was a Tommy Micklas who was an editor for Charles Kuralt. See http://www.rememberingcharleskuralt.com/tribute/birnbaum.html. |
NOS: Don was Republican District Leader in our neighborhood. He also ran for Assembly against Jerry Nadler. His clubhouse was next to the Thalia theater, under Symphony Space. He has recently (3/98) written a book (presently unpublished) about his 40 years as a photographer. He was something of a mentor to Deven, and an occasional client of mine. Thanks to this web site, he and Deven are back in touch again. | |
Email from Don 3/26/98: Nos: Looked over your page. Explored is the better word. Really quite something. I am impressed. Congratulations. Everything did exactly what I wanted it to do. Only problem was after I hit SEND after entering my comments, it then directed me to this page. All my eloquent comments must have been lost. Its probably my having to learn how to use this tool. One great result of using your page, is that I contacted with Deven Black after all these years. In fact Joan asked about him recently. He replied and now I will go see him when I am down in his area. Thanks for providing a public service. Now I have to think of people that need a Web page to be designed. You really did a hell of a job. Miller [My blushes--Nos] |
DB: Author of two books on the poet, W. S. Merwin. Last seen at Shelter Restaurant in 1978. Animal rights activist. Professor at West Virginia State Univ? | |
NOS: Traveled to Paris to meet with the North Vietnamese delegation. Married the proverbial blond goddess. Was with PAWPAC at one time. | |
MM: Has been surprisingly difficult to track down. I tried numerous searches. Any ideas? | |
NOS: He probably doesn't want to be found. Could be using another name. | |
Deven 8/9/99: Morgan use some other name? As we used to say in the Procaccino campaign, fuhgeddaboutit. | |
Nos found 6/2/00: |
In other respects, the goals of certain leaders of the radical animal activists are not narrow ones. Richard Morgan, the National Coordinator for the Mobilization for Animals which organized the 1983 demonstrations against Regional Primate Research Centers, has written: "Agitation for animal rights is part of a revolutionary process aimed at restructuring the major institutions of society." (http://www.brown.edu/Research/Primate/lpn23-3.html)
Nos also found: [a bunch of links to -- even a picture! -- that were all apparently other people]
On 4/6/02, at Deven's prompting, Nos found this website
[revised 4-5-04] as well as the following:
Richard G. Morgan was
born on December 17, 1950. He married Lissa Fischer on May 19, 1975. While
writing several books on Kenneth Patchen,
Morgan taught English and creative writing at the University of New Mexico
in Albuquerque. Morgan is the author of PATCHEN'S
Poems and essays of Morgan's have appeared in periodicals in the United
States, Canada, England, France, and Australia. []
[Deven promptly fired off an email and . . . ] | |
Deven received this email 4/7/02: |
Wow! This is amazing. Yes, it's me. Didn't realize I was hard to find. An awful lot of people seem to find me; there's no hiding place these days.
I'm an administrator with the State of Ohio, for the past fifteen years, mostly in web site administration, digital imaging, records and information management, related areas. Also professor (literature and cinema) at Ohio State University part-time. And have a thriving consulting concern doing fund raising and grant acquisition for non-profit organizations. So, rather busy.
Got a B.A. from Ohio University, M.A. Boston University, Ph.D. University of New Mexico, post-doctoral work University of London. Taught full time several universities before settling into government employment, was Director of the Ohio Children's Trust Fund, State Refugee Administrator for Ohio, Director of an international animal welfare and protection organization, and so on. Had nine books of various types published over the years, mostly poetry and literary criticism, one an organizing handbook for political activists, almost all of them out of print now.
On my fourth marriage (result of eight or nine engagements, all little blondes of course), this one an enduring one to an incredible woman I've never been away from overnight since we moved in together long ago. Three grown sons, three little daughters. Two dogs, eight cats, three horses. Live in a brick farm house built in 1889 with wrap-around front porch, brick patio, beds of modern and antique roses, in a little town outside Columbus, Ohio. Lived in Paris, Albuquerque, Boston, Montreal, Berkeley, London, Melbourne, LA, Chicago over the years, traveled to every continent other than Antarctica, but definitely prefer staying close to home now.
Better e-mail address for me is [snipped]. This Yahoo address is one I use just to screen inquiries to my consulting site, and to keep as much spam as possible from my primary site.
Remarkable list of people. Remember you Deven; don't recall most of the other people on the list, probably a matter of age. A few very vivid memories. For years I had dreams about Suzanne's wake/funeral; of all the people I've known in my life, that still stands out as one of the most tragic, most untimely deaths of one of the sweetest people to walk the earth. Last time I was in New York was probably seven or eight years ago, and after the first couple days must admit I was delighted to get back to Ohio.
Best wishes to you and everyone.
RichardNote from KN 9-19-2016: I remember the endless discussion, among the guys, of Morgan's "man problem."
NOS: It's not that Dick really belongs on this list, but he's my only connection to greatness. |
NOS: One of the original editors of the New York Independent Advocate (like George without the glitz), the late lamented hard-hitting political newsletter and gossip sheet of NYC politics. Prime mover behind "The Politics People" TV show (like "Politically Incorrect" without the glitz). Presently partner in a successful PR agency. You can send him email. Married, father of two. | |
Correspondence with Bonnie Lobel 5/21/01 |
MM: Who cares if none of us ever met him, he probably still has money left and might pick up the tab. | |
DB: Not that anyone's keeping score, but I met Stewart Mott (along with Mary Perot Nichols and the then-Chairman of Cambell's Soup) at Don Weeden's New Year's Eve party 12/31/68. Mott and the Chairman got me drunk, and then the Chairman's wife decided I had a nice lap. The next thing I remember is trying to get a cab on the corner of 72nd & Park. |
DB: Political heavyweight. Formerly District Leader, Assembly Member. Now Congressman. | |
KN: Married to Joyce, one son. Hi, Jerry. I will always remember when you came over to Ken's house for dinner and I cooked kasha with raisins and you said you'd never liked kasha before that. |
NOS: Deceased, supposedly from drug abuse. | |
From Deven 8/9/99: : I went to JHS 44 with him. He lived with his parents on 65th St. paradoxically west of West End Avenue. He was an early computer nerd, having built his own primitive portable (remember those punch cards!) while we were still in JHS. Apropos to nothing, I also recall that Louis’ father was a diamond cutter. |
DB: How does Kathy feel about posting Karma Kustard? | |
NOS: 2/99: Iris, Jacob and I saw Kathie in a production of "Fiddler on the Roof" at the Main Street Theater last December. We had a wonderful time. | |
NOS: 2/99: Last month, Kathie saw Eugene McCarthy at Borders, signing copies of his new book (presumably No-Fault Politics: Modern Presidents, the Press, & Reformers). She says he now walks with a cane and was telling stories from the old days. | |
Read the story of Kathie's bands | |
Click here for 6-11-99 News from Kathie | |
KN 6-11-99: Update on my kids: Alice, now a beautiful, hippie-ish 24-yr.-old, is in Eugene, OR, supposedly taking pre-nursing school classes, so she can become a nurse-midwife. | |
NOS 7/19/99: Maybe in 1998, or even earlier, we received "The Incomplete and Heavily Expurgated Greatest Hits of Stud & The Brass Knuckles (The Early Years)". I've only now started to upload it to the website. | |
Franne 12/5/99: "Bye" the way, the Main Street Theatre’s production of Bye Bye Birdie, which costars our very own Kathie Niederhoffer as the comedic Mrs. Peterson, is a must see! The staging is better than Broadway. Directors/choreographers have some kind of theatre genius to pull this off. Tracy loved it, although she was not thrilled about the tram ride to Roosevelt Island. | |
Nos 12/7/99: Just saw Kathie play Albert's mother in "Bye Bye Birdie" this last weekend at the Main Street Theater on Roosevelt Island. Kathie was great! | |
6-18-01 as per KN: Alice is (hopefully) going to holistic medical school in Portland, Oregon, soon and Buddy is on vacation (from his NYPL job) in Cuba and hopes to be a hip-hop DJ one of these days. For myself, I'm into writing and theater. | |
3-20-2008 as per KN: Alice, age 33, has finished holistic medical school and is awaiting the results of her licensing test in Oregon. She gave birth to a son last summer, making Kathie a grandma! Buddy, now 31, is going to massage school in Ithaca and expects to finish in June (Buddy is in touch with the famed Jerry Wexler of Atlantic Records). | |
KN 9-19-2016: Kathie wrote the Warehouse Trivia Test. E.g., What is "to flap"? |
NOS: One of the original editors of the New York Independent Advocate (like George without the glitz), the late lamented hard-hitting political newsletter and gossip sheet of NYC politics. On-air talent on "The Politics People" TV show (like "Politically Incorrect" without the glitz). President of Nostradamus Advertising where he creates political campaign literature and designs books and web sites. You can send him email. Married to Iris, father of one. |
Vera Olichney
KN and NOS 9-19-2016: Friend of Martin. She cooked dinner for us once -- all curries. Son John Michael ("J.M.") became a successful doctor.
Correspondence between Martin Mosbacher and Bonnie Lobel. |
Submitted by KN. FDR-WW President. |
FDR-WW President and his wife. | |
Nos 6-7-06: Using Google, I found a 2004 listing for Martha, as a Director of New Images for the Widowed, Inc., on West End Avenue. |
NOS: Was a close friend of mine. Last saw him at a computer show at the Javits Center c. 1990. Dunkley is in touch with him. He was living in California and working for a computer magazine. | |
KN: He was friends with Tedda Fenichel. [NOS: And Snake Skin!] [MM: It was I who went out with snake skin. She was on Milt Goldner's mailing list. Had two German Shepards, if I recall.] By the way, Richard, Suzanne and I both thought you were really cool but you didn't seem interested in us. Now you know the truth! | |
NOS: Just found him in the Nostradamus Archives. It was at the 1990 PC Expo that I last saw him. He was living in San Francisco and working for M&T Publishing as a Marketing Account Manager. | |
Email from Martin B. Mosbacher, Sent: Thursday, March 19, 1998 6:43 PM Subject:
CNN Alert I just saw a piece in which Richard Power is interviewed on CNN as a leading expert on Computer Security. He looks just like Richard, only older. Tune in. Details at 11. | |
Email from Deven: |
I thought I heard him quoted on an NPR program the other day. I could not tell from the voice if it was him or not. And a kid I went to Jr. High with is now a paleontologist at the Univ. of Chicago and was quoted in the Times the other day. In Jr. High he said he was going to be a paleontologist and he is. Damn.
NOS: Click here for more info [http://www.fcw.com/searchresults.asp?qu=richard+power&ct=fcw&sh=0&x=14&y=9
link broken 1-3-06]. | |
Email from Richard 5/4/99: |
No, I have nothing to do with the PLACERVILLE/CAMERON PARK PC USERS GROUP (one of the problems of Web searching, which who is it?), I am editorial director of the Computer Security Institute, for which I wrote, edit, speak, etc. In the past 6 months, I have traveled to Japan, South Africa, Belgium and Brazil to speak and on assignment. In 1996, I testified before the Senate, which was odd. M&T was bought by Miller Freeman. Who of the old circle of friends have you kept or reestablished contact with?
Another message from Richard on 5/4/99: |
Good for you. It was a wild and important time. I remember the names and faces of all those people. I wont be contributing to the web site, just because I dont do that sort of thing, but I enjoyed reading through it and will do so periodically. Keep in touch, R
NOS says: I'm sure that I speak for Martin and Deven when I say that any time you change
your mind about contributing to the website, feel free to drop us a line. | |
12-31-00 Deven Black recently informed our alumni office that Richard has a new book out. It's called Tangled Web: Tales of Digital Crime from the Shadows of Cyberspace and it was published in August, 2000, by Macmillan. You can purchase it through Amazon or B&N for $20. Deven says that "the picture on the cover's overleaf looks like Power ought to look by now." | |
12-31-00 While we're on the topic of Richard's books, B&N lists five titles by "Richard Power." Two are by the Irish novelist Richard Power (1928-70); one, Don Juan in Tulsa, seems not to have actually made it into print. But the fifth, Great Song: The Life and Teachings of Joe Miller (ISBN 0961891688), looks like it was written by our friend Richard. | |
6-7-06 Here's Richard's blog: http://words-of-power.blogspot.com |
NOS: FDR-WW Club District Leader. |
NOS 4-11-05: Eliot wasn't part of the old gang, but he sent us this great email: |
I just found your website on the McCarthy days, and got all warm inside. I was 10 years old in 1968, and spent my summer working at Columbus Circle with Jim and Ro Vaccaro. I made it to the Warehouse a few times, but I don't remember much. I do remember Frannie, and being hooked up with the O'Dwyer campaign. And shlepping a McCarthy cardboard kiosk all the way back to the far end of Brooklyn. I was also really bummed that my parents would not let me go to Chicago for the convention.
Somewhere I still have my big Gene poster.
Now my 16 year old son is big on social activism, and I could not be prouder . . .
Thanks for the good buzz.
Eliot Rich
MM: Paul O'Dwyer's former campaign manager and the guy in charge of the O'Dwyer townhouse on 55th Street (?) was Herb Rickman. He became a deputy mayor under Koch. Anybody got a lead? | |
Vicki Presser is trying to track him down (3/98). |
Warehouseperson. Submitted by KN. | |
NOS: Wasnt his father a doctor on the East Side? | |
NOS 1-9-04: Might be the Crockett, CA, artist. |
KN: Warehouseperson. Cute. | |
NOS: First leader of the warehouse AFAIK. Assisted by Judy Trutt, who I later ran into in Eldon Clingans Council campaign. |
MM: I just remembered the older woman with the big brunette hair and the raspy voice -- Rene Ross. I wonder if she could still be alive. | |
DB: If Rene Ross is still alive, her lungs should be the subject of several National Institute of Health studies. |
Submitted by KN. Warehouseperson. | |
NOS: Martin should fill in the details. |
See http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/bomb/filmmore/reference/primary/sharmat.html | |
NOS 1-9-04: Mary Sharmat, born Mary Constance Learson, actress and activist, companion of Francis Vohs, and mother of James Sharmat and Lee P. Sharmat, died January 1, 2004, at the age of 69. I'm guessing that Francis Vohs is the actor Frank Vohs. | |
Deven 4-8-2013: You've left out her most salient information, her comment on the FDR-WW's failure endorse someone or another, and referring to the then male district leader and many of the then-young Turks, "I have more balls than any of them." Classic. |
NOS: I last heard that she is living in Teaneck. | |
NOS 11/11/99: I think she's working for Sears in Paramus. | |
NOS 12-31-02: Elizabeth Sher is an officer of the Friends of the Teaneck Library. | |
NOS 4-17-05: I'm guessing that she's Elizabeth N. Sher (married to Newman), living in Teaneck NJ, Bronx Science class of 1964. | |
NOS: 1-19-06: See the Bronx Science website. | |
KN 9-19-2016: I remember Chickie's great devilled eggs! |
DB: Sarah Kovner's Dog Walker | |
NOS: Dev, Martin thought you might not want to call Jim "Sarah Kovner's Dog Walker." | |
DB: Well, he was. During a particularly acrimonious NDC meeting in Albany, Martin and I took a break for a smoke. We look out the window and there was Jim Sherman, at that time the head of Young Democrats for NDC or something like that, walking Kovner's little mutt. It still seems to have been his most significant contribution to the cause. | |
MM: That dawn bus ride up to Albany sitting next to Bella and having to listen to her for more than three hours while trying to get past a hangover. Ah, those were the days. | |
Deven 4-8-2013: Not that it is essential, but the dog Jim Sherman was walking was Sarah Kovner's Bedlington Terrier. Bedlingtons look very much like sheep which belies their vicious nature, in other words, the perfect dog for Sarah Kovner. |
NOS: When a recent TV show wanted to interview him with the obvious purpose of bashing his father, had the decency to decline. | |
5/19/2000--Martin found the following item: Clinton’s liaison to gays to resign (Thursday, September 23, 1999 Richard Socarides, President Clinton’s liaison to gays and lesbians, announced Wednesday that he is resigning October 15. Socarides said he will begin work on October 18 as a senior vice president at the New York strategic consulting firm Robinson Lerer & Montgomery, where he will focus on Internet and media accounts. Socarides replaced Clinton’s first liaison to gays, Marsha Scott, in 1995. Prior to that he had worked on the Clinton campaign and in the Labor Department. [Item seems to have come from the advocate.com web site--Ed.] |
NOS: Sherry's little brother. Son of Aaron (sp?) who may have been a doctor and dabbled in real estate. Wasn't Chuckie in a band? | |
KN: I think his dad was a lawyer. I was in his office around 1971. In the Bronx Science alumni directory from about 1986, there was an alumnus named CHARLES SALMAN (sp?) listed as a philosophy professor in a college in San Antonio. Remember his friend Greg? There was a story about Greg's father Chester (with a Greek last name) in the Times magazine sometime in the 80's. With pictures of Greg with SHORT HAIR. Hi, Greg! | |
NOS: They lived on West 94th Street betw Bway and West End. |
NOS: Sister of Chuckie. Did Power date her? | |
MM: Who didn't Power date? | |
KN: Of course Power dated her. How do you think we all met her? | |
NOS: Kathie says we probably have the wrong spelling of her last name. |
KN and NIOS 9-19-2016:: Nos land Bob Buckley briefly lived with him. He worked for the Post Office. He briefly was head of CDC which was an organization somewhat like kNDA. Or maybe it was CDA (Cioalition for a Democratic Alternative, the successor to the NDA).
NOS: Friend of Power. Had a backgammon (remember backgammon?) store in the 1970's. | |
DB: [Based on an address Martin dug up--] It looks like Ray Tekosky hasn't moved in 30 years! | |
NOS: He found our website, and called me up last month (6/98). He's alive and well and working in real estate. He'd like to get in touch with Richard Power and Deven. And, yes, he's still at the address that Martin located. | |
Nos 2/2000: I saw a reference to a restaurant broker named Ray Tekosky in an online newsletter called "WebPromote Weekly" (February 2000, Volume 3), so I dropped Ray a note. Here's what I got back . . . | |
From Ray 2/25/2000: Hey Barry, yep, its me, I guess. I’ve been a RE broker, specializing in restaurant sales and leasing for about 6 years now. Suits and ties on occasion. Kind of an evolutionary process. I had a few gaming stores, years ago. A mail order catalog out of LI, NY. The loft building i had lived in since 81 went through major changes, I led a rent strike there, finally bought the building after the other tenants proved their incompetency and insolvency. And so I entered the world of RE management and development. small time and you? Where and how have you been? |
KN: One of the original warehouse volunteers. I think she was from Elizabeth, NJ. |
NOS: Deven dated her. | |
Deven 8/9/99: Gladys Tsuyako Torres: Needless to say, I remember her well as we had many good times at the FDR-WW club, the Manhattan West Republican club, Central Park, and anywhere else we could (ah, to be young and in lust...) Gladys was the product of a Mexican father and Japanese mother. She (Gladys, not the mother) had an older brother and a younger sister (well, the mother might have also had such h siblings, but I don’t know and I doubt we care). If I’m not mistaken Gladys drew at least one version of the portrait of Diogenes the New York Independent Advocate used to illustrate our signature TTSMUF feature, Last I heard, and this was very second hand she was living in Washington Heights with the fellow she left me for and they had had some number (between 1 and 4) of kids. | |
NOS 4-7-2005: Gladys was born July 29, 1953, in Cameron County, Texas. See http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/tx/cameron/vitals/births/1953/came5308.txt |
Submitted by KN. Warehouseperson. | |
NOS: I remember John Band, but who was John Truck? |
NOS: Young (must have been about 12 years old in 1968) little wiseass. Hey, don't get all bent out of shape, I was the same way at his age. His father worked for SIECUS, the sex-ed organization. |
Picture received from Peter 7/2/99.
KN: I used to write to him when he was at Portsmouth Priory school. He was dating Suzanne back then. I saw his father's obit in the Times in the 80's. | |
NOS: He and I used to break chairs together. | |
6/23/99 rec'd the following email from Peter: Well.... the IT people at work did a "name search" for some of the senior staff on the Internet (I suspect simply to embarrass us) and sent them out to all en-masse. What to my wondering eyes should appear but "The Old Gang". For a quick update as to what I am doing: I am the Director of Facilities Services for the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania (the last refuge of a liberal in a business setting). Married, two grown steps, two cats, two dogs living just outside Philadelphia. And for the "other" hits that came to my name: http://www.whartonjournal.com/v43n12/raider.html [6-7-02 link broken --Nos] http://www.antiqueradio.org/bsupply.htm A bit of a taste of my job and one of my hobbies. It is interesting to see that so many of that time and place (the Warehouse) still keep in touch. I guess given that I moved twice within a year of that convention/election and was removed from that scene entirely. Only a few years thereafter, I lost both my parents (70s, not 80s) and became "fully" preoccupied with making a living, moving from the intellectual to the practical (architecture major, to construction to "owners side") in pretty short order. Fascinating to see where ones history survives. Imagine, 30+ years later. Some of my "antique" radios are not even that old...... Breaking chairs..... I do remember that.......... | |
Excerpted from a Letter to the Editor by Peter F. Wieck. Appeared in the HELLO issue of the New York Independent Advocate
(prob. Issue #6 - our numbering was a bit hazy back then).
Dear Sirs: By not supporting Paul O’Dwyer’s decision to support Humphrey, you have lost sight of the reasons he did not support HHH in the first place. By not suporting Sen. McCarthy’s endorsement of HHH, you have lost sight of the circumstances of his endorsement. You have done what you swore you would not do - you copped out. |
NOS: What warehouse twins? |